220003 |
绑藤本植物的带子 |
Strips for tying-up vines |
220015 |
麻带 |
Hemp bands |
220020 |
非金属绳索 |
Ropes, not of metal |
220021 |
绳索 |
ropes* |
220022 |
鞭绳 |
Whipcord |
220023 |
绳梯 |
Rope ladders |
220032 |
包装带 |
Packing string |
220035 |
细绳 |
String |
220038 |
纸绳 |
Twine made of paper |
220042 |
捆扎纱 |
Sheaf-binding yarns |
220045 |
软百叶窗用梯形带 |
Ladder tapes for venetian blinds |
220055 |
蜡绳 |
Wax ends |
220063 |
包装或捆扎非金属带 |
wrapping or binding bands, not of metal |
220078 |
包装或捆扎用非金属带 |
Wrapping or binding bands, not of metal |
220079 |
捆扎用非金属线 |
Thread, not of metal, for wrapping or binding |
220081 |
装卸用非金属吊带 |
Braces, not of metal, for handling loads |
220082 |
装卸用非金属带 |
Belts, not of metal, for handling loads |
220083 |
装卸用非金属吊索 |
Slings, not of metal, for handling loads |
220084 |
非金属缆 |
Cables, not of metal |
220086 |
农业用非金属捆扎线 |
Binding thread, not of metal, for agricultural purposes |
220088 |
拉窗绳 |
Sash cords |
220089 |
挂图片用绳 |
Cords for hanging pictures |
220091 |
包装绳 |
Packing rope |
220103 |
汽车拖缆 |
Car towing ropes |
220112 |
非金属捆扎物 |
Bindings, not of metal |
C220001 |
丝绳 |
Silk cords (ropes) |
C220002 |
绽子绳 |
C220003 |
塑料打包带 |
Plastic packing tapes |
C220004 |
塑料线(包扎用) |
Plastic strings (for packing) |
220001 |
风障布 |
tarred brattice cloth |
220002 |
防水帆布 |
Tarpaulins |
220009 |
伪装网 |
Nets for camouflage |
220011 |
渔网 |
Fishing nets |
220039 |
网线 |
Twine for nets |
220043 |
吊床 |
Hammocks |
220048 |
捕动物陷网 |
Snares [nets] |
220049 |
网织物 |
Network |
220058 |
纺织品遮篷 |
Awnings of textile |
220059 |
帆 |
Sails |
220071 |
帐篷 |
Tents |
220075 |
运载工具非专用盖罩 |
Vehicle covers, not fitted |
220085 |
伪装罩 |
Covers for camouflage |
"与伪装网类似 " |
220094 |
网 |
nets* |
220102 |
合成材料制遮篷 |
Awnings of synthetic materials |
220105 |
风帆滑雪运动用帆 |
Sails for ski sailing |
220106 |
洗针织品用袋 |
Bags for washing hosiery |
"与第七版及以前版本2112洗衣袋交叉检索; " |
220108 |
捕鱼用围网 |
Purse seines |
220109 |
鱼类养殖用网箱 |
Net pens for fish farming |
220110 |
船帆用帆布 |
Canvas for sails |
220111 |
纺织品制室外遮帘 |
Outdoor blinds of textile |
C220005 |
蒙古包 |
Mongolian tent |
C220006 |
苫布 |
Tarpaulin |
C220007 |
涂胶布 |
Rubber-coated cloth |
C220008 |
漆布 |
Wax cloth |
C220009 |
阻燃布 |
Fire/flame retarding cloth |
C220010 |
涂塑布 |
Plastic coated cloth |
220068 |
运输和贮存散装物用口袋(麻袋) |
Bags [sacks] for the transport and storage of materials in bulk |
220069 |
包装用纺织品袋(包) |
Sacks [bags] of textile, for packaging |
220069 |
包装用纺织品袋(信封、小袋) |
Sacks [bags] of textile, for packaging |
220080 |
草制瓶封套 |
Bottle envelopes of straw |
220080 |
草制瓶用包装物 |
straw wrappers for bottles / bottle envelopes of straw / packing, of straw, for bottles |
220080 |
瓶用草制包装物 |
Bottle envelopes of straw |
220104 |
邮袋 |
Mail bags |
220107 |
裹尸袋 |
Body bags |
C220011 |
尼龙编织袋(仿麻袋) |
Nylon woven bags (substitute for burlap bags) |
C220012 |
面袋 |
Flour sacks |
C220013 |
编织袋 |
Woven bag |
C220014 |
集装袋 |
Container sacks |
220004 |
刨花 |
Wood shavings |
220006 |
锯末 |
Sawdust |
220007 |
棉屑(填塞物) |
Flock [stuffing] |
220028 |
羽绒 |
down [feathers] |
220029 |
鸭绒毛 |
Eiderdown |
220030 |
非橡胶、非塑料、非纸或纸板制填充材料 |
padding materials, not of rubber or plastics / stuffing, not of rubber or plastic |
220031 |
非橡胶、非塑料、非纸或纸板制(填充或衬垫用)包装材料 |
packing [cushioning, stuffing] materials, not of rubber or plastics |
220033 |
装潢填充用羊毛 |
Upholstery wool [stuffing] |
220036 |
船用纤维密封圈 |
Fibrous gaskets for ships |
220044 |
填充用草 |
Grasses for upholstering |
220057 |
被褥用羽毛 |
Feathers for bedding |
220060 |
过滤用软填料 |
Wadding for filtering |
220061 |
衬垫和填充室内装饰品的填料 |
Wadding for padding and stuffing upholstery |
220062 |
装潢填充用稻草 |
Straw for stuffing upholstery |
220064 |
装潢填充用羽毛 |
Feathers for stuffing upholstery |
220067 |
酒椰叶纤维 |
Raffia |
220070 |
茅草 |
Esparto grass |
220074 |
填充用海藻 |
Sea wrack |
220074 |
海藻 |
Sea wrack |
220090 |
衬垫用废棉絮 |
cotton waste [flock] for padding and stuffing |
220090 |
衬垫和填充用废棉絮 |
Cotton waste [flock] for padding and stuffing |
220005 |
木丝 |
Wood wool |
220008 |
生丝 |
Raw silk |
220010 |
纤维纺织原料 |
Raw fibrous textile |
220012 |
驼毛 |
Camel hair |
220013 |
大麻 |
Hemp |
220014 |
短麻屑 |
Tow |
220016 |
绢丝(废生丝) |
Silk waste |
220016 |
废丝 |
Silk waste |
220018 |
椰子纤维 |
Coconut fiber |
220019 |
茧 |
Cocoons |
220025 |
未加工棉花 |
Raw cotton |
220026 |
棉纤维束 |
Cotton tow |
220027 |
马毛 |
Horsehair |
220037 |
纺织用矽玻璃纤维 |
Vitreous silica fibers [fibres] for textile use |
220040 |
丝棉 |
silk flock |
220041 |
羊毛絮 |
Wool flock |
220046 |
黄麻 |
Jute |
220047 |
木棉 |
Kapok |
220050 |
未加工或加工过的羊毛 |
Raw or treated wool |
220051 |
机梳羊毛 |
Carded wool |
220052 |
精梳羊毛 |
Combed wool |
220054 |
韧皮(植) |
Liber |
220056 |
生亚麻(亚麻纤维) |
Raw linen [flax] |
220065 |
兽毛 |
Animal hair |
220066 |
苎麻纤维 |
Ramie fibre |
220072 |
羊毛 |
Fleece wool |
220073 |
剪下的羊毛 |
Shorn wool |
220076 |
纺织纤维 |
Textile fibers |
220077 |
剑麻 |
Sisal |
220087 |
纺织用碳纤维 |
Carbon fibers [fibres] for textile use |
220092 |
纺织品用塑料纤维(纤维) |
Plastic fibers [fibres] for textile use |
220093 |
纺织用玻璃纤维 |
Glass fibers [fibres] for textile use |
220101 |
棉籽绒 |
Linters |