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商标分类表第3类 【日化用品】


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【注释】"第三类主要包括清洁制剂和梳妆用制剂。 本类尤其包括: ——人用或动物用除臭剂; ——室内芳香剂; ——梳妆用卫生制剂。 本类尤其不包括: ——清洁烟囱用化学制品(第一类); ——生产过程中用的去渍制剂(第一类); ——非人用、非动物用除臭剂(第五类); ——磨石和砂轮(手工具)(第八类)。"

030007 杏仁肥皂 Almond soap "与0306类似; 与0501药浴制剂,浴用泥浆,药浴用海水类似,与第九版及以前版本0510医用浴剂近似"
030009 洗涤上光粉 Starch glaze for laundry purposes "与0302商品类似; 与0303皮革漂白制剂,皮革洗涤剂类似;"
030010 洗衣用淀粉 starch for laundry purposes / laundry starch "与0302商品类似; 与0303皮革漂白制剂,皮革洗涤剂类似;"
030010 洗衣用浆粉 Laundry starch "与0302商品类似; 与0303皮革漂白制剂,皮革洗涤剂类似;"
030012 肥皂 Soap "0306类似; 与0501药浴制剂,浴用泥浆,药浴用海水类似,与第九版及以前版本0510医用浴剂近似"
030013 纺织品上光皂 Soap for brightening textile "与0302商品类似; 与0303皮革漂白制剂,皮革洗涤剂类似;"
030014 洗衣用上蓝剂 Laundry blueing "与0302商品类似; 与0303皮革漂白制剂,皮革洗涤剂类似;"
030017 剃须皂 Shaving soap "0306类似; 与0501药浴制剂,浴用泥浆,药浴用海水类似,与第九版及以前版本0510医用浴剂近似"
030026 漂白盐 Bleaching salts "与0302商品类似; 与0303皮革漂白制剂,皮革洗涤剂类似; 与第九版及以前版本0104漂白剂,0503漂白粉(消毒)类似。"
030027 漂白碱 Bleaching soda "与0302商品类似; 与0303皮革漂白制剂,皮革洗涤剂类似; 与第九版及以前版本0104漂白剂,0503漂白粉(消毒)类似。"
030028 洗衣用漂白剂 Laundry bleach "与0302商品类似; 与0303皮革漂白制剂,皮革洗涤剂类似; 与第九版及以前版本0104漂白剂,0503漂白粉(消毒)类似。"
030029 洗衣上光剂 Laundry glaze "与0302商品类似; 与0303皮革漂白制剂,皮革洗涤剂类似;"
030034 洗发液 Hair lotions "0306类似; 与0501药浴制剂,浴用泥浆,药浴用海水类似,与第九版及以前版本0510医用浴剂近似"
030051 洗衣用蜡 Laundry wax "与0302商品类似; 与0303皮革漂白制剂,皮革洗涤剂类似;"
030080 消毒皂 Disinfectant soap "0306类似; 与0501药浴制剂,浴用泥浆,药浴用海水类似,与第九版及以前版本0510医用浴剂近似"
030089 漂白水 Javelle water "与0302商品类似; 与0303皮革漂白制剂,皮革洗涤剂类似; 与第九版及以前版本0104漂白剂,0503漂白粉(消毒)类似。"
030093 洗涤用皂树皮 Quillaia bark for washing "0306类似; 与0501药浴制剂,浴用泥浆,药浴用海水类似,与第九版及以前版本0510医用浴剂近似"
030098 浸洗衣服制剂 laundry soaking preparations / preparations for soaking laundry "与0302商品类似; 与0303皮革漂白制剂,皮革洗涤剂类似;"
030098 洗衣浸泡剂 Laundry soaking preparations "与0302商品类似; 与0303皮革漂白制剂,皮革洗涤剂类似;"
030123 洁肤乳液 Cleansing milk for toilet purposes "0306类似; 与0501药浴制剂,浴用泥浆,药浴用海水类似,与第九版及以前版本0510医用浴剂近似"
030124 洗衣剂 Laundry preparations
030127 光滑剂(上浆) Smoothing preparations [starching]
030130 药皂 Medicated soap "0306类似; 与0501药浴制剂,浴用泥浆,药浴用海水类似,与第九版及以前版本0510医用浴剂近似"
030134 洗发剂 Shampoos "0306类似; 与0501药浴制剂,浴用泥浆,药浴用海水类似,与第九版及以前版本0510医用浴剂近似"
030143 汗足皂 Soap for foot perspiration "0306类似; 与0501药浴制剂,浴用泥浆,药浴用海水类似,与第九版及以前版本0510医用浴剂近似"
030149 除臭皂 Deodorant soap "0306类似; 与0501药浴制剂,浴用泥浆,药浴用海水类似,与第九版及以前版本0510医用浴剂近似"
030152 香皂 Cakes of soap "0306类似; 与0501药浴制剂,浴用泥浆,药浴用海水类似,与第九版及以前版本0510医用浴剂近似"
030163 防汗皂 Antiperspirant soap "0306类似; 与0501药浴制剂,浴用泥浆,药浴用海水类似,与第九版及以前版本0510医用浴剂近似"
030174 家用亮色化学品(洗衣用) Color-brightening chemicals for household purposes [laundry]
030174 家庭洗衣用亮色化学品(洗衣) color- [colour-] brightening chemicals for household purposes [laundry] / color-brightening chemicals for household purposes [laundry] / colour-brightening chemicals for household purposes [laundry] "与0302商品类似; 与0303皮革漂白制剂,皮革洗涤剂类似;"
030174 家庭洗衣用亮色化学品 Color-brightening chemicals for household purposes [laundry]
030175 非医用沐浴盐 Bath salts, not for medical purposes "与0306类似; 与0501药浴制剂,浴用泥浆,药浴用海水类似,与第九版及以前版本0510医用浴剂近似; 与0501矿泉水沐浴盐类似,及第九版及以前版本矿泉水浴盐近似"
030193 洗衣用织物柔顺剂 Fabric softeners for laundry use
030205 干洗剂 Dry-cleaning preparations "与0302商品类似; 与0303皮革漂白制剂,皮革洗涤剂类似;"
030218 个人清洁或祛味用下体注洗液 Douching preparations for personal sanitary or deodorant purposes [toiletries] "0306类似; 与0501药浴制剂,浴用泥浆,药浴用海水类似,与第九版及以前版本0510医用浴剂近似; 与0501第一部分医用下体注洗液,阴道清洗液类似"
030223 干洗式洗发剂 Dry shampoos "0306类似; 与0501药浴制剂,浴用泥浆,药浴用海水类似,与第九版及以前版本0510医用浴剂近似"
030230 非医用洗浴制剂 Bath preparations, not for medical purposes
030231 护发素 Hair conditioner
C030001 洗手膏 Hand -washing cream "0306类似; 与0501药浴制剂,浴用泥浆,药浴用海水类似,与第九版及以前版本0510医用浴剂近似"
C030002 洗发粉 Shampoo powder "0306类似; 与0501药浴制剂,浴用泥浆,药浴用海水类似,与第九版及以前版本0510医用浴剂近似"
C030003 香波 Shampoo "0306类似; 与0501药浴制剂,浴用泥浆,药浴用海水类似,与第九版及以前版本0510医用浴剂近似"
C030004 洗发软皂 Hair cleaning softsoap "与0306类似; 与0501药浴制剂,浴用泥浆,药浴用海水类似,与第九版及以前版本0510医用浴剂近似"
C030005 柔发剂 Hair softener "与0306类似; 与0501药浴制剂,浴用泥浆,药浴用海水类似,与第九版及以前版本0510医用浴剂近似"
C030007 洗面奶 Facial cleanser "与0306类似; 与0501药浴制剂,浴用泥浆,药浴用海水类似,与第九版及以前版本0510医用浴剂近似"
C030008 浴液 Bath lotion "与0306类似; 与0501药浴制剂,浴用泥浆,药浴用海水类似,与第九版及以前版本0510医用浴剂近似"
C030009 浴盐 Bath salts "与0306类似; 与0501药浴制剂,浴用泥浆,药浴用海水类似,与第九版及以前版本0510医用浴剂近似; 与0501矿泉水沐浴盐类似,与第九版及以前版本矿泉水浴盐类似"
C030010 抑菌洗手剂 Antibacterial hand wash "与0306类似; 与0501药浴制剂,浴用泥浆,药浴用海水类似,与第九版及以前版本0510医用浴剂近似"
C030012 护领膜 Collar-protecting film "与0302商品类似; 与0303皮革漂白制剂,皮革洗涤剂类似;"
C030067 洗衣粉 Laundry powder "与0302商品类似; 与0303皮革漂白制剂,皮革洗涤剂类似;"
020008 绘画用铝粉 Aluminium powder for painting
020009 石棉颜料 Asbestos paints
020011 水彩固定剂 Fixatives for watercolors
020015 银乳剂(颜料) Silver emulsions [pigments]
020018 金胺 Auramine
020029 赭石土(颜料) Sienna earth
020032 绘画用青铜粉 bronze powder / bronze powder [paint]
020038 铅白 White lead
020039 炭黑(颜料) carbon black [pigment]
020044 氧化钴(颜料) Cobalt oxide [colorant]
020045 胭脂虫红 Cochineal carmine
020059 颜料 Pigments
020073 灯黑(颜料) Lamp black [pigment]
020076 绘画用藤黄 Gamboge for painting
020081 氧化锌(颜料) Zinc oxide [pigment]
020089 黄丹 Litharge
020089 铅黄 Litharge
020090 绘画、装饰、印刷和艺术用金属粉 Metals in powder form for painters, decorators, printers and artists
020092 绘画、装饰、印刷和艺术用金属箔 Metal foil for painters, decorators, printers and artists
020095 红丹 Minium
020095 铅红 Minium
020098 胭脂树橙(颜料) Annatto [dyestuff]
020101 烟灰色(颜料) Soot [colorant]
020106 二氧化钛(颜料) Titanium dioxide [pigment] "与0102第(五段)工业化二氧化钛类似 "
020126 艺术用水彩
020127 艺术用油彩
C020001 色母粒 Color masterbatch
C020014 立德粉(锌钡白) Lithopone
020004 饮料色素 Colorants for beverages
020005 食品用着色剂 Food dyes
020005 食用色素 Food dyes
020023 黄油色素 Colorants for butter
020024 啤酒色素 Colorants for beer
020034 焦糖(食品色素) Caramel [food colorant]
020035 麦芽焦糖(食品色素) Malt caramel [food colorant]
020048 麦芽色素 Malt colorants
020088 利口酒用色素 Colorants for liqueurs


020033 制革用墨 Ink for leather
020043 印刷膏(油墨) Printers' pastes [ink]
020066 印刷油墨 Printing ink
020067 动物打印记用墨 Marking ink for animals
020069 皮肤绘画用墨 Ink for skin-dressing
020080 雕刻油墨 Engraving ink
020121 复印机用墨(调色剂) Ink [toner] for photocopiers
020121 复印机用调色剂(墨) Ink [toner] for photocopiers
020123 打印机和复印机用已填充的鼓粉盒 Toner cartridges, filled, for printers and photocopiers
020128 可食用墨
020129 已填充可食用墨的打印机墨盒
C020002 计算机、打印机、文字处理机墨盒 Ink box for calculators, printers and word processors
C020015 激光打印机墨盒 Toner cartridges for laser printers
C020016 喷墨打印机墨盒 Toner cartridges for inkjet printers
C020017 复印机用碳粉 Toner for copiers

020001 油漆 paints*
020003 清漆 varnishes*
020007 铝涂料 Aluminium paints
020014 银涂料 Silver paste
020016 银镀粉 Silvering powders
020017 黑亮漆 Black japan
020019 杀菌漆 Bactericidal paints
020020 粉刷用石灰浆 Badigeon
020025 沥青油漆 Bitumen varnish
020026 木材涂料(油漆) Wood coatings [paints]
020031 青铜漆 Bronzing lacquers
020036 屋顶毡用涂料(油漆) Coatings for tarred felt [paints]
020036 油毛毡用涂料(油漆) coatings for roofing felt [paints] / coatings for tarred felt [paints]
020037 陶瓷涂料 Ceramic paints
020040 运载工具底盘防蚀涂层 undercoating for vehicle chassis / undersealing for vehicle chassis / undercoating for chassis of vehicles / undersealing for chassis of vehicles
020040 运载工具底盘底漆 Undercoating for vehicle chassis
020042 粉刷用石灰水 Lime wash
020053 油漆稀释剂 Thinners for paints "与0104第(十五段)清漆溶剂,0302去漆剂类似 "
020054 漆稀释剂 Thinners for lacquers "与0104第(十五段)清漆溶剂,0302去漆剂类似 "
020055 油漆增稠剂 Thickeners for paints
020062 刷墙粉 Distempers
020064 瓷釉(漆) Enamels [varnishes] "与0104第(六段)陶瓷釉,陶瓷釉料类似 "
020065 瓷漆 Enamel paints "与0104第(六段)陶瓷釉,陶瓷釉料类似 "
020068 油漆催干剂 Siccatives [drying agents] for paints
020070 涂料(油漆) Coatings [paints]
020072 固定剂(清漆) Fixatives [varnishes]
020075 釉料(漆、清漆) Glazes [paints, lacquers] "与0104第(六段)陶瓷釉,陶瓷釉料类似 "
020077 虫胶 Gum-lac "与0207商品类似 "
020085 防火漆 Fireproof paints
020087 油漆凝结剂 Agglutinants for paints
020087 油漆粘合剂 Agglutinants for paints
020102 清漆用苏模鞣料 Sumac for varnishes
020108 底漆 Primers
020110 粉刷用白垩灰浆 Whitewash
020114 苯乙烯树脂漆 Copal varnish
020115 Lacquers
020122 防污涂料 Anti-fouling paints
020124 松节油(涂料稀释剂) Turpentine [thinner for paints] "与0104第(十五段)清漆溶剂,0302去漆剂类似 "
020125 油漆补片(可替换的) Repositionable paint patches
C020003 稀料 Thinner "与0104第(十五段)清漆溶剂,0302去漆剂类似 "
C020004 松香水 Rosin water "与0104第(十五段)清漆溶剂,0302去漆剂类似 "
C020005 可赛银 Casein
C020006 防水冷胶料 Waterproof glue for room temperature application
C020007 水溶性内外墙有光喷塑料 Water-soluble gloss plastic spray for inner & external walls
C020008 聚乙烯胶泥 Polyethylene mortar
C020009 无粘性化学涂料(不粘锅用) Non-sticky chemical coating (for non-stick pan)
C020010 天那水 Thinner "与0104第(十五段)清漆溶剂,0302去漆剂类似 "
C020011 信那水 Xina water "与0104第(十五段)清漆溶剂,0302去漆剂类似 "
C020012 防水粉(涂料) Waterproof powder (coatings) "与1705防水隔热粉类似 "
C020013 树脂胶泥 Resin mortar
C020018 磁漆 Enamal paint


020010 防腐蚀剂 Anti-corrosive preparations
020021 防腐蚀带 Anti-corrosive bands
020049 木材防腐剂 Wood preservatives
020056 木材防腐用杂酚油 Creosote for wood preservation
020079 防锈油脂 Anti-rust greases "与第九版及以前版本0104防水锈剂类似 "
020082 木材防腐油 Preservative oils for wood
020083 防锈油 Anti-rust oils
020093 金属防锈制剂 Anti-tarnishing preparations for metals "与第九版及以前版本0104防水锈剂类似 "
020094 金属用保护制剂 Protective preparations for metals "与第九版及以前版本0104防水锈剂类似 "
020107 防锈制剂 Anti-rust preparations for preservation
020113 羰基(木头防腐剂) Carbonyl [wood preservative]
020022 加拿大香脂 Canada balsam
020046 松香 Colophony
020050 天然硬树脂 Copal
020061 天然树脂(原料) Natural resins, raw
020078 树胶脂 Gum resins
020091 天然树脂 Mastic [natural resin]
020100 山达脂 Sandarac


030005 刮面石(收敛剂) Shaving stones [astringents]
030022 白垩粉 Whiting
030038 清洁用火山灰 Volcanic ash for cleaning
030067 清洁用白垩 Cleaning chalk
030068 去污剂 Stain removers
030072 清洗用洗涤碱 Washing soda, for cleaning
030075 非生产操作用、非医用的去污剂 Detergents other than for use in manufacturing operations and for medical purposes
030076 擦洗溶液 Scouring solutions
030077 非生产过程中用的脱脂剂 Degreasers other than for use in manufacturing processes
030081 家用除垢剂 Scale removing preparations for household purposes
030083 家用抗静电剂 Antistatic preparations for household purposes
030085 去漆剂 Lacquer-removing preparations 与0104(第十五段)清漆溶剂,0205油漆稀释剂,漆稀释剂,松节油(涂料稀释剂),稀料,松香水,天那水,信那水类似;
030087 去色剂 Color-removing preparations
030089 次氯酸钾 Javelle water / potassium hypochloride
030104 清洁制剂 Cleaning preparations
030117 清洁用油 Oils for cleaning purposes
030126 挡风玻璃清洗剂 Windscreen cleaning liquids
030138 墙纸洗涤剂 Wallpaper cleaning preparations
030153 苏打碱液 Soda lye
030157 脱脂用松节油 Turpentine, for degreasing
030158 除蜡用松节油 Oil of turpentine for degreasing
030167 挥发碱(氨水)(去污剂) Ammonia [volatile alkali] [detergent]
030167 氨水(挥发性碱)(去污剂) Ammonia [volatile alkali] [detergent]
030168 明矾石(收敛剂) Alum stones [astringents]
030170 除锈制剂 Rust removing preparations
030179 去颜料制剂 Paint stripping preparations
030195 疏通下水道制剂 Preparations for unblocking drain pipes
030206 地蜡清除剂(刷净剂) Floor wax removers [scouring preparations]
030209 用于清洁和除尘的罐装压缩空气 Canned pressurized air for cleaning and dusting purposes
030211 浸清洁剂的清洁布 Cloths impregnated with a detergent for cleaning "与第八版及以前版本2112浸清洁剂的清洁布交叉检索 "
030214 洗碗机用催干剂 Drying agents for dishwashing machines
C030013 硅清洁剂 Silicon detergents
C030014 厕所清洗剂 Toilet cleaner "与0503化学盥洗室用消毒剂,厕所除臭剂类似; "
C030015 玻璃擦净剂 Glass cleaner
C030016 去蜡水 Wax-removing water/liquid
C030017 去油剂 Degreasers
C030018 去渍剂 Stain remove
C030019 去油渍油 Degreasing oil
C030020 去雾水 Antidimming liquid
C030021 去污粉 Scrubbing powder/cleaning powder
C030022 地毯清洗剂 Carpet cleaning preparation
C030068 洗洁精 Detergent


030011 抛光铁丹 Polishing rouge
030025 皮革漂白制剂 Leather bleaching preparations 与0301第三、四段类似
030039 擦鞋膏 Shoe cream
030045 抛光制剂 Polishing preparations
030046 鞋蜡 Shoe wax
030047 家具和地板用抛光剂 polish for furniture and flooring
030048 擦亮用剂 Shining preparations [polish]
030049 鞋匠用蜡 Shoemakers' wax
030050 鞋线蜡 Cobblers' wax
030053 地板蜡 Floor wax "与0404地蜡,地蜡(石蜡)类似 "
030053 拼花地板蜡 Floor wax "与0404地蜡,地蜡(石蜡)类似 "
030054 抛光蜡 Polishing wax
030055 裁缝用蜡 Tailors' wax
030061 皮革防腐剂(抛光剂) leather preservatives [polishes] / preservatives for leather [polishes] 与0401皮革防腐剂(油和脂),皮革保护剂(油和脂),皮革保护油类似;
030070 抛光乳膏 Polishing creams
030073 磨剃刀皮带用软膏 Pastes for razor strops
030074 皮革膏 Waxes for leather 与0401皮革防腐剂(油和脂),皮革保护剂(油和脂),皮革保护油类似;
030074 皮革用蜡 creams for leather / waxes for leather 与0401皮革防腐剂(油和脂),皮革保护剂(油和脂),皮革保护油类似;
030139 抛光用纸 Polishing paper
030164 抛光用硅藻石 Tripoli stone for polishing
030207 地板防滑蜡 Non-slipping wax for floors "与0404地蜡,地蜡(石蜡)类似 "
030208 地板防滑液 Non-slipping liquids for floors "与0404地蜡,地蜡(石蜡)类似 "
030212 植物叶子发光剂 Preparations to make shiny the leaves of plants
030228 鞋油 Shoe polish
C030023 上光剂 Polishes
C030024 夹克油 Jacket oil
C030025 鞋粉 Shoes powder
C030026 帽粉 Cap powder
C030027 汽车、自行车上光蜡 Wax polish for automobiles & bikes
C030028 擦铜水 Brass polish fluid
C030029 皮革擦亮纸(浸擦亮剂) Leather polishing tissue (pre-soaked)
C030030 皮革洗涤剂 Leather detergent
C030066 水果擦亮剂 Shining preparations for fruit


030002 磨光用石头 Smoothing stones
030003 磨利用制剂 grinding preparations / sharpening preparations
030003 研磨剂 Grinding preparations
030035 金属碳化物(研磨料) Carbides of metal [abrasives]
030036 碳化硅(研磨料) Silicon carbide [abrasive]
030044 磨光制剂 Furbishing preparations
030062 金刚砂(研磨用) Corundum [abrasive]
030082 金钢铝(研磨料) Diamantine [abrasive]
030084 金刚砂纸 Emery paper
030086 金刚砂布 Emery cloth
030094 金刚砂 Emery
030140 砂纸 Sandpaper
030144 磨光石 Polishing stones
030145 浮石 Pumice stone
030160 砂布 Sandcloth
030161 玻璃砂布 Glass cloth
030165 研磨材料 abrasives*
C030032 磨光粉 Polishing powder
C030033 研磨膏 Abrasive paste
C030034 玻璃砂(研磨用) Glass sand (grinding)
C030035 研磨用刚玉砂 Emery for grinding
C030036 白刚玉 White corundum
C030073 裁布机用砂带


030006 杏仁油 Almond oil
030015 八角茴香香精 Badian essence
030021 香柠檬油 Bergamot oil
030037 杉木香精油 Essential oils of cedarwood
030056 柠檬香精油 Essential oils of lemon
030099 含醚香料 Ethereal essences
030100 香精油 Ethereal oils
030101 花精(香料) Extracts of flowers [perfumes]
030105 花香料原料 Bases for flower perfumes
030106 熏香制剂(香料) Fumigation preparations [perfumes]
030107 蛋糕用调味香精油 Cake flavorings [essential oils]
030108 冬青油 Gaultheria oil
030110 香草醇 Geraniol
030113 天芥菜精 Heliotropine
030115 茉莉油 Jasmine oil
030116 熏衣草香油 lavender oil
030118 制香料香水用油 Oils for perfumes and scents
030119 玫瑰油 Rose oil
030121 紫罗酮(香料)
030128 薄荷油(芳香油) Mint essence [essential oil]
030129 香料用薄荷 Mint for perfumery
030132 麝香(香料) Musk [perfumery]
030141 香料 Perfumery
030151 黄樟油精 Safrol
030159 萜烯烃(香精油) Terpenes [essential oils]
030172 芳香剂(香精油) Aromatics [essential oils]
030173 饮料用调味香精油 Flavorings for beverages [essential oils]
030226 香橼香精油 Essential oils of citron
030236 食物用调味香精油
C030037 烟用香精 Flavoring essence for tobacco
C030038 月桂油 Laurel oil
C030039 香草油 Vanilla oil
C030040 珠兰油 Chloranthus oil
C030041 桉叶油 Eucalyptus oil
C030042 椰子醛 Coconut aldehyde
C030043 安息香酸乙酯 Ethyl benzoate
C030044 香叶醇 Geraniol
C030045 人造麝香酮 Artificial musk ketone
C030046 工业用香料 Industrial spicery
C030047 化妆品用香料 Perfumery for cosmetics
C030048 香皂香精 Toilet soap essence
C030069 芳香精油 Aromatic essential oil
C030070 安神用香精油 Essential oils for soothing the nerves
C030071 降低食欲用香精油 Essential oils for reducing appetite


030001 假发粘贴剂 Adhesives for affixing false hair
030008 琥珀香水 amber [perfume]
030016 洗澡用化妆品 Cosmetic preparations for baths 与0501药浴制剂,浴用泥浆,药浴用海水类似,与第九版及以前版本0501医用浴剂交叉检索。
030018 唇膏 Lipsticks
030018 口红 lipsticks
030019 化妆用棉签 Cotton sticks for cosmetic purposes 与2110商品类似
030020 美容面膜 Beauty masks
030023 皮肤增白霜 Skin whitening creams
030032 指甲油 Nail polish
030032 指甲擦光剂 Nail polish
030033 化妆剂 Make-up preparations
030040 染发剂 Hair dyes
030041 毛发卷曲剂 Hair waving preparations
030041 烫发剂 Hair waving preparations
030042 假睫毛 False eyelashes
030043 睫毛用化妆制剂 Cosmetic preparations for eyelashes
030052 胡须用蜡 Mustache wax
030058 古龙水 Eau de Cologne
030060 梳妆用颜料 Colorants for toilet purposes
030064 成套化妆品 Cosmetic kits
030065 化妆品 Cosmetics
030066 化妆棉 Cotton wool for cosmetic purposes 化妆用棉签与 0506 医用棉签类似
030069 化妆笔 Cosmetic pencils
030071 化妆用雪花膏 Cosmetic creams
030078 化妆品清洗剂 Make-up removing preparations
030088 除指甲油制剂 Varnish-removing preparations
030090 熏衣草水 lavender water
030091 带香味的水 Scented water
030092 淡香水 Toilet water
030096 脱毛剂 Depilatories
030096 脱毛制剂 Depilatories
030097 除汗毛用蜡 Depilatory wax
030109 化妆用矿脂 Petroleum jelly for cosmetic purposes
030111 化妆用油脂 Greases for cosmetic purposes
030112 化妆用过氧化氢 Hydrogen peroxide for cosmetic purposes
030114 化妆用油 Oils for cosmetic purposes
030120 梳妆用油 Oils for toilet purposes
030122 化妆洗液 Lotions for cosmetic purposes
030125 梳妆用品 Toiletries
030131 眉毛化妆品 Eyebrow cosmetics
030133 烫发中和剂 Neutralizers for permanent waving
030135 香水 Perfumes
030136 假指甲 False nails
030137 指甲护剂 Nail care preparations
030142 护肤用化妆剂 Cosmetic preparations for skin care
030146 化妆用润发脂 Pomades for cosmetic purposes
030147 化妆粉 Make-up powder
030148 修面剂 Shaving preparations
030154 眉笔 Eyebrow pencils
030155 梳妆用滑石粉 Talcum powder, for toilet use
030156 化妆染料 Cosmetic dyes
030162 防汗剂(化妆品) Antiperspirants [toiletries]
030169 化妆用杏仁乳 Almond milk for cosmetic purposes
030171 晒黑制剂(化妆品) Sun-tanning preparations [cosmetics]
030176 胡须染料 Beard dyes
030177 减肥用化妆品 Cosmetic preparations for slimming purposes
030178 假睫毛粘胶 Adhesives for affixing false eyelashes
030180 个人或动物用除臭剂 Deodorants for human beings or for animals
030181 化妆用装饰变色剂 Decorative transfers for cosmetic purposes
030191 化妆用收敛剂 Astringents for cosmetic purposes
030192 化妆用漂白剂(脱色剂) Bleaching preparations [decolorants] for cosmetic purposes
030197 浸化妆水的薄纸 Tissues impregnated with cosmetic lotions 与0506消毒纸巾,1603卫生纸,纸手帕,卸妆纸巾,卸妆用薄纸,纸餐巾,纸巾,纸制洗脸巾类似;
030199 化妆用粘合剂 Adhesives for cosmetic purposes
030200 剃须后用液 After-shave lotions
030201 喷发胶 Hair spray
030202 染睫毛油 Mascara
030219 化妆用芦荟制剂 Aloe vera preparations for cosmetic purposes
030220 非医用按摩凝胶 Massage gels other than for medical purposes
030221 唇彩 Lip glosses
030222 非医用香膏 Balms other than for medical purposes
030224 指甲彩绘贴片 Nail art stickers
030225 防晒剂 Sunscreen preparations
030227 散沫花(化妆用染料) Henna [cosmetic dye]
030229 唇膏盒 Lipstick cases 唇膏盒与 2110 商品类似
030232 头发拉直制剂
030233 浸卸妆液的薄纸
030234 化妆用胶原蛋白制剂
C030049 防皱霜 Anti-wrinkle cream
C030050 增白霜 Whitening cream
C030051 粉刺霜 Acne cream
C030052 去斑霜 Freckle-eliminating cream
C030053 痱子粉 Prickly heat powder
C030054 爽身粉 Talcum powder
C030055 去痱水 Prickly heat lotion
C030056 胭脂 Rouge
C030057 眼影膏 Eye shadow
C030058 乌发乳 Hair blacking cream
C030059 头油 Pomade
C030060 生发油 Hair tonic
C030062 摩丝 Mousse
C030063 焗油制剂 Hair nourish preparation
C030064 双眼皮胶 Eyes hide glue
C030072 花露水 Floral water


030031 非医用漱口剂 Mouth washes, not for medical purposes
030079 牙膏 Dentifrices
030194 假牙清洁剂 Preparations for cleaning dentures
030198 假牙用抛光剂 Denture polishes
030204 口气清新喷雾 breath freshening sprays
030210 牙用漂白凝胶 Dental bleaching gels
030216 口气清新片 Breath freshening strips
030235 牙齿美白贴
C030065 口香水 Liquid preparations for freshing mouth


030030 香木 Scented wood
030095 Incense
030150 薰日用织品用香囊 Sachets for perfuming linen
030203 干花瓣与香料混合物(香料) Potpourris [fragrances]
030213 祭祀用香 Joss sticks


030063 动物用化妆品 Cosmetics for animals
030196 宠物用香波 Shampoos for pets "与0504狗用洗涤液,狗用洗涤剂类似 "
030217 宠物用除臭剂 Deodorants for pets


030215 空气芳香剂 Air fragrancing preparations


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